Product profile
• restores disturbed bodily functions
• strengthens the immune system

• brings harmony of body and soul

Product Profile

How BIOSERF works: a scientific explanation

  In 1948, Norbert Wiener, a professor of mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, established the beginning of cybernetics, a science studying the principles according to which complex dynamic systems are organized.

  Today, scientists have acknowledged that the postulates of cybernetics are applicable to biological systems. The living cell is a biosystem with all the processes interrelated and regulated by information flows and programs. This biosystem is included into the biosystem of a certain organ, which, in its turn, constitutes a part of the biosystem of the entire body, and such body biosystems comprise the biosystem of the entire universe and the biosphere. All these systems have their information fields, flows, and programs.

  Here we approach the primary question. What substance can be the medium for this information? Theoretical analysis, experimental research, the achievements of astronomy, nuclear and quantum physics all come in one, explaining the origin of the ultimate media of energy and information – electromagnetic waves.

  Let us now have a closer look at the human body and check a schematic picture over 5,000 years old, heritage from the doctors of ancient China. It features 3 concentric circles. The inner circle stands for a man on the somatic, physical level. A bigger circle denotes the human energy level. The outer circle is the information level of a human.

  For those who take interest in esoteric healing we can add that the notion of aura, or biofield, came into existence much later. If we take a look at the components of the aura, the ether, astral, mental, karmic and other bodies, we see not a slightest conflict with the knowledge of the ancient Chinese. The first three components are basically energy transmitters and origins of barriers which come into existence because of emotions we cannot control (the astral body) and wrongful beliefs (the mental body). Bodies of higher levels are essentially sources of information which sum up as the infofmation field, or matrix, defining the life cycle of our entire organism.

  The vocabulary of today's doctors and healers include the notion of psychic, biological and physiological homeostasis. This is nothing else but a program, an algorithm of life preservation for a body in rapidly changing outer and inner circumstances.

  So, let us return once again to the scheme of ancient Chinese doctors. Inner changes in the body (infections or injuries) are signaled through the energy field upward, straight to the information field. There, the situation is analyzed, and relevant signals are sent to certain organs, once again, through the energy field, to adjust their function. Outer changes possibly harmful to the body (like a threat to the body) are also analyzed in the information field, and data is transmitted to the body's energy field preparing the body to a new existence in new circumstances (an influx of adrenaline).

A cone-shaped pyramid?

  BIOSERF is similar to a pyramid in its form, and the pyramid has been known for centuries as a converter of energy and information flows both from space and of earthly origin. Yet, as the directions in which elementary particles flow and rotate largely depend on the cardinal points, the sides of the traditional pyramid come as necessary components. In our case, we operate in the human energy and information field where flows have a more chaotic nature, exist closer to the body surface and their direction lies mostly along this surface. This is what brings us to the cone-like shape. Within this methodical guidelines on converting small electromagnetic waves in an unclosed pyramid-shaped contour, we don't find it reasonable to give detailed mathematical calculation. So, we will limit ourselves to a graphic scheme of the direction this converted flow takes, seen from the locator. What do we achieve by this? We establish an extra channel from the energo-information field of a human (the matrix of a healthy body) to a certain organ or body region. Doing this we help the body overcome illnesses and conditions, both acute and chronic.

The material the BIOSERF modulator is made of

  Due to a unique alloy used in its manufacturing BIOSERF 'remembers' the information easily and reliably, which opens additional practical use possibilities for this material. For a home user, we recommend using individual devices only.

  No negative side effects were registered in any of the medical institutes and health care establishments in the course of plentiful experiments and tests. The list of people giving positive feedback to BIOSERF about its phenomenal qualities and their healing in seemingly hopeless situations keeps growing. With BIOSERF, you get virtually unlimited opportunities to cure a huge range of conditions and restore the function of any organ in your body.

The team behind BIOSERF wishes you a smooth and successful rehabilitation.